The Elves

Elves are real.
The word "Elf" or "Elves", comes from the ancient Phoenician/paleo-Hebrew root word "EL/AL". The letters derived from two glyphs (pictures)... The Ox (the 'A' or 'E') and the Staff (the "L"). Together, they convey the idea of a
"Strong Leader".

(Read from right to left.)

Why is there an "F" at the end of the word "EL"?
The "Vav"

The "F" in the word ELF comes from the letter Vav. (long 'ah' sound)
The glyph for the Vav is a "tent peg". The word picture for "F" is a peg/nail/hook.
The hook (vav) gives the meaning "to be of" or "connected to" or "attached to".
The letter Vav is the 6th letter of the Phoenician/Hebrew alphabet and represents the number 6 in both languages.
The hook/peg/nail originally took a "Y" shape when drawn (think flux capacitor) but the glyph changed over time. In English, today, the Vav is often equal to the letters "U", "V", "W" and "F".

The word Elf denotes a being who is "of the strong leaders". Plural of Elf is Elves. The "F" sound is the exact same as the hard "V", thus the switch when adding the plural suffix (-s). Other examples: self and selves, shelf and shelves, etc.
Different letters are used for the Vav, depending upon dialect, accent and local vernacular. For example, Dracula (the vampire) is known for saying, "I VANT to suck your blood!" - but the word "vant" is how he pronounces the word "want".

In my opinion, even fringe conspiracy theories do not give enough focus on the ancient Elvin race. The Elves are the race of beings who preexisted human kind.
"Elves" are simply what I call them, but they go by many names:
Vampires, Angels,
Devils, Vulcan, Giants,
Silicon Beings, Star Brothers, Aliens,
Leprechauns, Færies, Sprites, Djinn, Genies,
Archon, Alf, The Elu, Elohim, Allah, El, Nephilim, Atlantians,
Hyper-Boreans, Pelasgians, The Dragon Race, Draconian, Reptilians,
Fish Gods, Nommo, The Shining Ones, The Serpent Race, Illuminati, Seraphim, Witches, Wizards, Neter, Immortals, Æsir, Vanir, Saurian, Devas, Divas, Orcs, Drow,
Jedi, etc.